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Old electrical panel against a brick wall

What Electrical Panel Problems Can You Prevent?

As a homeowner, you know the importance of your electrical panel. It supplies power to every room and allows you to run two or more appliances or devices at the same time. Sadly, though, electrical panel problems can appear at any moment, even if you have a modern setup. Now is a good time to learn about the problems you can prevent and when to get help.

Old Age or Design

If you live in an older home, you may have an old electrical panel or one with a design no longer used. These panels are dangerous because they can produce sparks that lead to a fire. You also risk the panel not generating the power you need. Old panels often have plastic parts that melt when the panel’s temperature gets too high. Split-bus electrical panels are equally dangerous as they don’t have a central button or switch to shut off the power. Keep your family safe with a new panel.

Not Enough Power

While 200-amp electrical panels are common today, it wasn’t that long ago that most were 50-amp or 100-amp panels. These panels can only support a small number of circuits, which limits how many things you can run at the same time. Even if you have a panel made in the 1990s or more recent years, it likely only has a limited amount of power. When you try to run your washer and dryer at the same time or use two or more other appliances, you can overload the panel. Either replace or upgrade the panel to get more power.


Corrosion is just a fancy word for rust. When you see rust on the electrical panel, it tells you that it was somehow exposed to water. If you’re lucky, you’ll just notice rust on the door to the panel, which gives you time to take care of the issue. Rust on the panel itself is a more serious issue that often requires more help. Limit all types of water in the room with the panel. You can also use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity in the space as humidity can also cause corrosion.

House Fires

It’s just as important you learn how to prevent house fires. Electrical fires are a major hazard that can destroy your home in hours or less. They often start with an overloaded electrical panel. Look for signs of soot around your outlets, a burning odor in the air, and scorch marks on the walls, all of which indicate a serious electrical panel issue.

You don’t need to prevent every possible electrical panel issue like corrosion or not having enough power. Help is available for those who need it. Book the electrical panel services you need when you contact Design Electric in Flint, MI.